Understanding Pelvic Floor Muscles

Understanding Pelvic Floor Muscles and How to Train Them

Have you heard of “pelvic floor muscles” before? No? Well, you are in luck because through this article you will learn what they are and how to train them. Training your pelvic floor muscles daily can have rewarding results for your overall health and condition. It can prevent unwanted conditions like genital prolapse or incontinence, especially for women who just gave birth. You should check out pelvic floor strong and their pelvic floor strong reviews for a specialized program that trains the pelvic floor muscles in a fun and informative way that can help you have healthy and strong continence.

What are Pelvic Floor Muscles?

Well, I am glad you asked. The pelvic floor muscles are a collection or a set of muscles that supported important organs like the uterus, urethra, and colon. Without the existence of pelvic floor muscles, all of these organs would fall out of place. We all can urinate and defecate through the support of the pelvic floor muscles without them it would not be possible. Even to function sexually would have to be supported by the pelvic floor muscles because they hold the vagina in place.

What Are the Benefits of Pelvic Floor Muscles?

For starters, aside from all of the mentioned above. The pelvic floor muscles can help improve your bladder and bowel control; therefore, you are able to hold in those movements and release them at your will to avoid any embarrassing accident from transpiring. For a woman, who just gave birth having strong and healthy pelvic floor muscles can make postpartum recovery faster and easier. For a man, who just happens to undergo prostate treatment or surgery, if he has strong and healthy pelvic floor muscles then the same goes. Faster and easier recovery.


Are there any other benefits for both sexes? Funny you should ask. They do have other benefits besides the aforementioned above. If you train your pelvic floor muscles daily, they can help you achieve orgasm easier as they are able to increase the sexual satisfaction that you get from having sexual intercourse. Overall, having strong and healthy pelvic floor muscles can only be beneficial in improving your quality of life.

How Do You Train Them?

To train them might be tricky because it requires a bit of technique and feeling to get the exercise going. You would need to have a sense of lifting the muscles around your anus and genitals upwards then release them once you hit the peak contraction. Repeat this cycle for a number of 8 to 12 repetitions for a good range of 4 working sets. Another way to add some icing on the cake is by holding the “lift” sensation for a couple of seconds before releasing them. Remember to stay focused and breathe normally. If you feel any pain, then you should consult a medical expert specialized in the area.

Final Words

Having strong and healthy pelvic floor muscles can benefit you in various ways and improve your overall living quality. If you encounter any discomfort within the muscles then we strongly advise you to consult a doctor that specializes in pelvic floor muscles.


Health hacks: common uses of essential oils

Essential oils have a strong healing effect on the physical, the mental and emotional well-being of an individual. They can be applied directly to the skin, inhaled or diffused. On a technical level, essential oils do much more than lack fatty acids. They contain highly concentrated plant components which take in a huge amount of plants while giving out a small portion of essential oils. This practice is what makes essential oils highly expensive.

Various essential oils are commonly used for health benefits. It is advised that we look for signs such as high-quality therapeutic-grade oils that contain medicinal properties. It is inadvisable to apply the oils directly on your skin as the high concentrations can bring about irritation or skin reactions. Most essential oils are diluted with almond or water. Here are some Health uses of essential oils.

Tea tree oil

Distilled from the Australian plant Melaleuca, it remains a popular tropical oil. It is applied during the treatment of skin blemishes or fungus. Using a cotton swab, you can apply it on an acne blemish or skin infections such as athlete’s foot. Tea tree oil is present in many market skin care products.

Tea tree oils


Lavender is highly used due to its unrivaled versatility. It is the perfect relaxer for cuts, bruises, and skin irritations. The lavender scent reduces the stress hormones present in a person’s blood. This is why some prefer to sprinkle a few drops of lavender on their bath to give them relaxation during the night. So even sprinkle a few drops on their hands, rub them together while inhaling the scent, then sprinkle a few more drops on their pillows before dozing off.


Originating from the bright-orange marigold flower, calendula is a common essential oil. It’s perfectly suited for those with sensitive skin and is used to reduce the adverse effects of acne scars. A drop or two in your bathing water can help in soothing psoriasis.



We are mostly familiar with chamomile that is used in tea. The essential oil component of chamomile delivers the same relaxing effect. This is probably why tea is popular before one goes to bed. You can invigorate its effect by adding a few drops of chamomile onto your pillow.


Peppermint is perfect for the purification and stimulation of an individual’s mind. This increases your level of mental preparedness. Inhaling peppermint increases an individual’s mental accuracy by over 28percent. Only a handful of peppermint oil drops can be ingested internally as it is helpful in dealing with indigestion.


Those who know the merits of frankincense use it for relaxation during baths, as well treating bits from bugs. Frankincense has been used for thousands of years and is applied during the treatment of inflammation, depression and increasing one’s spiritual awareness.


Keeping Fit During Pregnancy

Staying fit is not all about running and jumping around like a lunatic. Here are three simple ways to exercise and keep fit without breaking your back or your bank balance.

Keeping fit during pregnancy


Walking is such a simple but useful exercise. Maintain good posture when you’re walking. Stand tall and don’t hunch your shoulders. Try to keep your arms relaxed and swing them forwards and backward.

Be careful to avoid walking outdoors when it is scorching and always carry a bottle of water with you. You want to avoid your heart-rate increasing, so keep away from steep hills and make sure you’re wearing comfortable shoes which offer good support. If the weather conditions do not permit, you can use a treadmill indoors, but remember to keep your balance!


Swimming is a great overall form of exercise and particularly during the later stages of pregnancy, as walking can become a bit uncomfortable. Being in the water is great because it supports your weight and helps take the pressure off your lower back.

Water is incredible because the effects of gravity are lessened, and therefore there’s much less pressure put on your joints. It has also been found that swelling can be reduced through regular swimming and of course it has a calming effect on the body which is of great benefit.

Yoga and low-impact aerobics

Nowadays, a lot of hospitals and health clubs offer pre-natal exercise classes.Because of the limitations put on a pregnant body such as loss of balance and reduced stamina, the routines involved are designed to allow women to exercise safely. Don’t forget to exercise in a room that is well-ventilated and wear comfortable and breathable clothes and constantly have your bottle of water on hand.

Pregnancy doesn’t have to keep you from exercising. There are many good reasons to maintain your fitness level during pregnancy. Studies have shown that keeping up a moderate degree of activity will help you feel better not only during pregnancy but afterward as well. Below are some guidelines to follow to help you stay fit and sculpt your body during pregnancy.

One situation pregnancy 2many women experience is postpartum depression, and it has been confirmed that exercise is efficient at treating it as well as preventing it to a certain extent, being able to reduce the severity of this issue at least. So, by exercising while you are pregnant, the chance of you becoming depressed later on is significantly reduced. The exact science behind it is unknown, but scientists have found that exercise has a positive impact on brain chemistry.